Hidden Wonders
The ‘Hidden Wonders of Kildare ’ project invited nominations of ‘Hidden Wonders’ from inhabitants, workers and visitors of Kildare in an aim to find, acknowledge and raise the profile of their hidden wonders that are particularly unique to Kildare.
Initiated by Public Art Co-ordinator, Rina Whyte and facilitated by artist Rowena Keaveny, ‘Hidden Wonders of Kildare’ attracted 60 nominations from approximately 40 people. Nominations varied from places of tranquillity such as the Curragh Plains, to pubs such as ‘Roches’ of Donadea (the sinking pub!), Nepalese and Traveller culture in Kildare, many historic buildings and the story of the Wren Women on The Curragh. Nominators included artists, local historians, school children, voluntary organisations and other interested parties.
The project has now been documented in photography, personalised quotations and portraits in the publication 'Hidden Wonders of Kildare' which is available from Rina Whyte rwhyte@kildarecoco.ie 045 448316. Or you can view the website www.hiddenwondersofkildare.com
Below you will find information and press release relating to the Hidden Wonders Project. While the deadlines have passed and the information is historical, it is important to keep so as to document a history of Arts Development in County Kildare.

The Mayor of County Kildare, Councillor Colm Purcell with special guest Luka Bloom launched the 'Hidden Wonders of Kildare'
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 11:34:00 GMT