b'3 Goal 3 Land use and DevelopmentGoal: Sustainable policies and Both the National Planning Framework (NPF)measures are devised and and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy implemented to influence positive (EMRA RSES), underpin the national ambition for thebehavioural changes, support transition to a low carbon and climate resilientclimate adaptation actions and society, aiming to promote sustainable transport,green infrastructure, a clean and healthyendorse approaches for successful environment and accelerate climate action. transition to a low carbon and climate resilient society The actions in this adaptation strategy seek to work with and inform the strategic objectives, policies and Climate change has the potential to underminedevelopment standards of the County Development sustainable development. Implementing adaptationPlan, in line with the provisions of the NPF and the measures through land use and development policiesRSES. It is acknowledged that the planning process is an effective way to influence urban form, reduce theprovides an established means through which pressure on natural resources, improve environmentalclimate change adaptation objectives and actions can risk management, and influence positive behaviour. be integrated and implemented at community level. This goal represents both the challenges as well asLanduse and Development actions are set out under opportunities of climate change adaptation and thethree objectives which seek to:need to balance and manage the development of areas against the risks and vulnerabilities associated withIntegrate climate action considerations intothe impacts of climate change. land use planning policy.The National Adaptation Framework places a strongExplore policies to help the transition emphasis on the role of spatial planning in deliveringto a climate resilient low carbon society. climate resilience: Promote and maximize the most efficient It is clear that climate change considerations need and sustainable use of land.to be taken into account as a matter of course in 14Built Environment and Spatial Planning, Chapter 3, NAF, 2018.planning related decision making processes.Effective planning reduces vulnerability to thenegative effects of climate change by integratingclimate considerations into decision making in order to avoid inappropriate forms of development invulnerable areas and promoting compactdevelopment in less vulnerable areas.1470'