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The final map for 2025 identifies land that may be liable for the tax in 2025. Owners of such land may make a request to Kildare County Council to change the zoning of this land until 1 April 2025. Click to make a zoning request (From 1st February 2025)

If certain conditions are met, a landowner may be exempt from the 2025 liability on foot of such a request. Click HERE to see more detail.

The draft map for 2026, which will be published by 1 February 2025, identifies land that may be liable for the tax in 2026. Owners of such land – and interested third parties - may make submissions regarding the inclusion of land on this draft map – these submissions must be made by 1 April 2025. Click HERE to see more detail and here to make a submission (from 1st February 2025) 

Please note that although they are included on these maps, residential properties are not subject to RZLT if they are subject to Local Property Tax. It is not necessary to make a rezoning request or submission to remove this type of residential property from the map.  

Identification of land liable to RZLT in 2026

Kildare County Council has prepared an annual draft map for 2026, identifying the land considered to be in scope for the RZLT as of January 1 2025.

The annual draft map is available below (Published 1st February 2025) 

Any interested individuals or parties may make submissions in respect of land on the annual draft map. This is dealt with in further detail below.

Please note that although they are included on the map, residential properties are not subject to RZLT if they are subject to Local Property Tax. It is not necessary to make a submission to remove this type of residential property from the map

Land appearing on the annual draft maps, taking into consideration submissions, will be included on the annual final map of land in scope for the tax in the local authority area. This map will be published on 31 January 2026. This land may be subject to the tax in 2026, unless it is a residential property subject to Local Property Tax or qualifies for other exemptions, as provided for in the legislation.

The RZLT map as prepared and published by the local authorities indicates lands that meet the relevant criteria for inclusion on the map, as set out in the legislation.

Making a submission on the annual draft map for 2026

All information on making a submission can be found here 

Closing Date for submissions is 1st April 2025.

What happens next

The local authority will evaluate all written submissions. Then, it will decide and issue a written response to landowners' submissions. Before publishing the final map each year, it will take key steps, including the following:

2026 Annual Draft Map

  • Submissions received in relation to the annual draft map will be published on the local authority website by 11 April 2025 (note: personal data, i.e. name, address of submitter and contact details of the submitter, are redacted, but location of lands to which the submission relates are published along with the grounds of the submission).
  • Where a landowner requests the exclusion of their land from the annual draft map on the basis that it does not meet the criteria for being in scope, or challenges the date from which land on the map met this criteria, the local authority must notify the owner of its decision not later than 1 July 2025.
  • An appeal of the local authority decision on a landowner’s submission on the annual draft map must be lodged by the landowner with An Bord Pleanála by 1 August 2025.


Where a person has requested the addition of a site to the draft map and the local authority considers that site satisfies the relevant criteria, then it will be identified on the next annual draft map, which will be published by the local authority on the following 1 February.

Can I appeal a decision of the local authority?

A landowner has until 1 August 2025 to appeal the local authority decision regarding submissions.  Appeals may be made to An Bord Pleanála in respect of the exclusion of their site from the annual draft map for 2026 on the basis that it does not meet the criteria for being in scope, or challenging the date from which land on the map met this criteria date to. Appeals must be made in writing setting out the grounds of appeal. There are no provisions for a third party to appeal a local authority decision to retain or remove land from an annual draft map.


Making a rezoning request on a final map for 2025 (published 31st January 2025)

An additional provision was made in the Finance Act 2024, facilitating a further round of rezoning requests to remove land from liability to the tax.  Rezoning requests can only be made for land identified on the final annual map for 2025, published on 31 January 2025.  Rezoning requests for other land will not be considered.

Submissions requesting a change of zoning are considered by the local authority.  The rezoning request must be made to the relevant local authority between 1 February and 1 April 2025.

  • A rezoning request acknowledgement letter containing details of the recent planning history of the land will be issued by 30 April from the local authority to the landowner.
  • The local authority will communicate in writing to the landowner its decision on whether to progress with an intended variation to the statutory land use plan by 30 June 2025.
  • Decisions on rezoning requests cannot be appealed to An Bord Pleanála.


The rezoning request acknowledgement letter can be used to support a claim for an exemption from the tax for 2025. This claim must be made in the 2025 annual return, which must be made to the Revenue Commissioners on or before 23 May 2025.

Rezoning Requests

If you are making a rezoning request in respect of land that you own, or on behalf of a landowner, please note the following:

  • Your name and address must be included in the submission.
  • Submissions must be accompanied by an Ordnance Survey map showing the property at an appropriate scale, 1:1000 (urban areas) or 1:2500 (rural areas) suitable to identify the land in question. Please note the local authority may request proof of site ownership.
  • Please note that a submission requesting a change in zoning can only be made in relation to land that is already on the final map for 2025, published on 31 January 2025.
  • Where a land use zoning change is sought, the submission must be received on or before 1 April.
  • The landowner should set out why the change in zoning is in the interest of the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, as well as any other circumstances, such as their desire to continue with an ongoing economic activity they wish to bring to the local authority’s attention. Any information to support the claims of ongoing economic use should be submitted as part of the rezoning request.Further information on the process is also available on the website.

As outlined above, the RZLT process has two parts.  Local authorities are required to undertake the mapping that identifies the land subject to the tax. The local authority is also responsible for publishing the annual final map. This was published on 31 January 2025 for the 2025 year, and will be revised annually. Thereafter, the administration of the tax will be undertaken by the Revenue Commissioners. Queries only on the mapping should be made to

All queries regarding the administration of the tax should be directed to the Revenue Commissioners . Their website provides details on the general administration of the tax and links to a comprehensive guide to the tax. The Revenue website also provides details on:

  • Liable persons
  • Amount of residential-zoned land tax
  • Obligation to register
  • Obligation on liable person to prepare and deliver return
  • Deferral of, or exemptions from, Residential Zoned Land Tax
  • How to contact Revenue with queries on the administration of RZLT

What do I do if I am a Homeowner. My house and garden is contained on the map. What is the consequence?
Your house and garden are identified on the map because it meets the criteria for the tax, which is based on residential-led zonings and servicing by infrastructure suitable for the provision of housing.  The house and garden are not liable for the tax, as long as the house is subject to Local Property Tax (LPT).

Do I need to make a submission? It’s not necessary. Even if your house is identified on the maps, residences are not liable for the tax where they are subject to LPT. 

What if my garden is greater than 0.4047ha (1 acre) – If your garden is greater than this size, then you need to register for the RZLT with the Revenue Commissioners, however your house and garden will not be liable for the tax. You will be able to register for RZLT from Q1 2025 onwards. No action needs to be taken to register at this time.  Please see for details regarding the registration process closer to the time.

Criteria for inclusion in map - 
Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 states:-

In this Part, a reference to land which satisfies the relevant criteria is a reference to land that—

(a) is included in a development plan, in accordance with section 10(2)(a) of the Act of 2000, or local area plan, in accordance with section 19(2)(a) of the Act of 2000, zoned—

               (i) solely or primarily for residential use, or

               (ii) for a mixture of uses, including residential use,

(b) it is reasonable to consider may have access, or be connected, to public infrastructure and facilities, including roads and footpaths, public lighting, foul sewer drainage, surface water drainage and water supply, necessary for dwellings to be developed and with sufficient service capacity available for such development, and

(c) it is reasonable to consider is not affected, in terms of its physical condition, by matters to a sufficient extent to preclude the provision of dwellings, including contamination or the presence of known archaeological or historic remains, but which is not land—

               (i) that is referred to in paragraph (a)(i) and, having regard only to development (within the meaning of the Act of 2000) which is not unauthorised development (within the meaning of the Act of 2000), is in use as premises, in which a trade or profession is being carried on, that is liable to commercial rates, that it is reasonable to consider is being used to provides         services to residents of adjacent residential areas,

               (ii) that is referred to in paragraph (a)(ii), unless it is reasonable to consider that the land is   vacant or idle,

               (iia) the development of which would not conform with—

                              (I) in a case in which the land is zoned in a development plan, the phased basis in accordance with which
                                development of land is to take place under the plan, as detailed in the core strategy included in that plan
                                in accordance with section 10(2A)(d) of the Act of 2000, or

                              (II) in a case in which the land is zoned in a local area plan, the objective, consistent with the objectives
                                 and core strategy of the development plan for the area in  respect of which the local area plan is
                                 prepared, of development of land on a phased basis, included in the local area plan in accordance with
                                 section 19(2) of the Act of 2000, on the date on which satisfaction of the criteria in this section is being                                             assessed,

               (iii) that it is reasonable to consider is required for, or is integral to, occupation by—
                              (I) social, community or governmental infrastructure and facilities, including  infrastructure and facilities
                                used for the purposes of public administration or the provision of education or healthcare,
                              (II) transport facilities and infrastructure,
                              (III) energy infrastructure and facilities,
                              (IV) telecommunications infrastructure and facilities,
                              (V) water and wastewater infrastructure and facilities,
                              (VI) waste management and disposal infrastructure, or
                              (VII) recreational infrastructure, including sports facilities and playgrounds,
                              (iv) that is subject to a statutory designation that may preclude development, or
                               (v) on which the derelict sites levy is payable in accordance with the Derelict Sites Act 1990.


The administration of the RZLT is a matter for the Revenue Commissioners.  

The legislation underpinning the RZLT can be found in Part 22A of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997. Guidance in respect of the administration of the tax may be found here.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has published guidance on the Residential Zoned Land Tax.

Total area on Maps;

  • Draft 2026 – 1703.48Ha
  • Final 2025 – 1690.06Ha