Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme 2024/25
The Department of Rural and Community Development has announced the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme 2024/2025. This scheme supports the development of new outdoor recreational infrastructure and the necessary repair, enhancement or promotion of existing outdoor recreation infrastructure in countryside areas across Ireland. The Scheme is funded under “Our Rural Future” which specifically prioritises the growing outdoor activity tourism sector as part of a long-term vision for a vibrant and sustainable rural Ireland.
Kildare County Council are seeking Expressions of Interest for funding under Measure 1, Measure 2 and the Project Development Measure.
2024/25 ORIS Measures
- Measure 1: Small Scale Repair, Development, Promotion and Marketing. Maximum Funding €40,000
- Measure 2: Medium Scale Repair and Upgrade and New Trail and Amenity Development. Maximum Funding €200,000
- Project Development Measure which funds development costs for strategic large-scale projects. Maximum funding €50,000
Who can apply?
Local community and voluntary groups can submit proposals to their local authority for consideration. Projects led by commercial businesses are not considered.
How to apply
Complete the Expression of Interest form and return to capdeliverysppr@kildarecoco.ie no later than 5pm on 03 January, 2025.