Temporary Closing of Roads
Notice of Intention
Roads Act, 1993
Roads Regulations, 1994
Kildare County Council gives notice in accordance with Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 and the Roads Regulations, 1994 that it intends to close the following road periodically during the period commencing Friday, 11 April 2025 to Saturday, 30 August 2025 to facilitate bridge remediation works on Baltracey Bridge:
No. |
Road to be Closed |
From (Junction with) |
To (Junction with) |
Duration of Closure (at any one time) |
1 |
L-1010 |
L-1010 Barreen Crossroad (junction R-607)
L-1010 Baltracey Crossroad (junction L-5039) |
14 days |
Alternative Routes: Local access only on the L-1010. Lady Chapel Church to Baltracey Crossroad. Westbound traffic travelling to Baltracey Crossroad from Lady Chapel Church will continue south along the R-408 (sign-posted Rathcoffey Village). In Rathcoffey Village at Farrington’s Mill, traffic will divert right onto the L-5035 (sign-posted Donadea). At Painstown Crossroads (junction L-5035/R-407), traffic will turn right onto the R-407 (sign-posted Kilcock). Eastbound traffic travelling to Lady Chapel Church will be diverted at Baltracey Crossroad away from the L-1010, south on the R-407. At Painstown Crossroads, traffic will turn left (sign-posted Rathcoffey) onto Mooretown Drive. In Rathcoffey Village at the junction of the L-5035/the R-408, traffic will turn left onto the R-408 past Farrington’s Mill. Traffic will continue along the R-408 to the junction of Lady Chapel Church. |
Diversionary routes will be clearly signposted, as agreed with the Council and An Garda Síochána. Emergency access and restricted local access will be maintained.
Any objections/observations should be lodged in writing to the A/Senior Executive Officer, Transport, Mobility and Open Spaces, Kildare County Council, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare or directly on the consultation portal at https://consult.kildarecoco.ie/en on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, 21 March 2025.