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  • 045 980200
  • Head Office: Áras Chill Dara Devoy Park Naas Co Kildare W91 X77F


Burial grounds

Kildare County Council has responsibility for 32 active cemeteries and 33 closed cemeteries. There are permanent caretakers in Athy, Celbridge, Leixlip, Naas and Newbridge and part-time caretakers in the other 27. No burial or works should take place in a cemetery without the permission of the caretaker or Council. The caretaker holds the records and maps and these can be viewed by appointment. Older records may be held at either the Environment Section (045 980588) or Library Section (045 448351) of Kildare County Council.

Burials will not be facilitated on Sundays in Athy, Celbridge, Leixlip, Naas or Newbridge. They may be facilitated in other cemeteries but only with the consent of the caretaker.

Burial plots can not be pre-purchased.   Applications for burial plots in a particular cemetery will only be granted to residents or a person with established links to that area. Single plot with generally facilitate 3 interments and double plots will facilitate 6 interments

Columbarium Walls for ashes are available in Naas, Maynooth and Churchtown. Ash plots are available in Barrettstown, Newbridge, Leixlip and Derrinturn.   The Council will arrange the inscription on the plaque.

Set out below are:

List of active cemeteries and contact details for the caretaker.

Map of active cemeteries with GPS co-ordinates.

Details for ash

Burial Grounds Regulation

Kildare County Council (Cemeteries) Bye-Laws 2018 came into force on the 1st March 2019. These regulate issues such as burial plots, interments, columbarium walls, headstones, exhumations, registrations, seating, purchase of burial right, lawn cemeteries, planting, national monuments, carrying out works, etc. A fixed payment in respect of a contravention of a bye-law maybe imposed.

A copy of Bye-Laws is available in the Bye-Laws section.

Application for Burials  

The Funeral Director or Family should complete an application form in respect of all interments and submit it to the caretaker, who will assist in identifying an existing family plot or available new plot, as required. The details on this form will be entered in the Cemetery Register.

The Application Form is available.


 Please note that VAT is charged to all interments. VAT also applies to some of our newer cemeteries/extensions- Ballybrack, Celbridge, Churchtown, Derrinturn, Moone and Newbridge. Fees can be paid, by cheque, to the cemetery caretaker or to the Environment Section.

Price  Type VAT status
1100 Single Burial plot, fees non-Vatable
2160 Double "
385 Niche "
200 Ash "
1249 Single Burial plot fees Vatable @13.5%
2452 Double "
437 Niche "
227 Ash "
125 Adult Grave opening fees Vatable @23%
65 Ashes/child "
250 Inscription on columbarium wall Inscription fees Vatable @13.5%

to calculate fees, the following example for a columbarium wall:

Purchase of niche 385
Interment 65
Inscription 250
total 700


Application for Headstones

The Stonemason should complete a Headstone Application form in respect of headstone or other permanent structure and should submit it to the Environment Section. There is no fee for this application.

Exhumation licence

Kildare County Council administers exhumation licences (removal of remains). An application form should be completed and submitted to the Environment Section. The Application Form is available.

Maintenance Grants

Kildare County Council provides Maintenance Grants for voluntary groups who undertake work of a clean up/maintenance nature. Application form and conditions are set out at the beginning of each year. You can apply for the grant at the following link:

Cemetery Maintenance Scheme 2025


Queries and completed forms can be forwarded to

Phone:   045 980588