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  • 045 980200
  • Head Office: Áras Chill Dara Devoy Park Naas Co Kildare W91 X77F

Fire Service

Fire Service Contacts:

In the case of an emergency Don't hesitate dial 999 or 112 and ask for the Fire Service

Central Fire Station

Co. Kildare
W12 PW70

045 454800

045 432530


How Can I pay my Fire Service Charge


By EFT: 

Please quote your customer number when making the payment. Our bank details are:

                                                 BIC:        BOFIIE2D

                                                 IBAN:    IE18 BOFI 9012 3993 4524 43

By Phone:

Please contact us on 045 454800 Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm (excluding bank holidays). Please have your Customer Number to hand when making a payment.

In Person

Payments can be made in Kildare County Council’s Cash Office at Desk 9 in the Motor Tax Department, Level 0, Aras Chill Dara, Devoy Park in Naas between 9.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday or at the Central Fire Station in Newbridge between 9.30am – 12.30pm and 2.00pm – 4.00pm, Monday to Friday

By Post

Please detach and return the remittance slip on your invoice or reminder letter, make your cheque/bank draft/postal money order payable to Kildare County Council and post to Central Fire Station, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

By Standing Order:

If you wish to make regular payments (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) by standing order, please contact us at 045 454800.



For queries 

Please contact Administration Section, Kildare Fire Service, Central Fire Station, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.


Telephone: 045 454800


Fire Service Charges/ Fees

The Fire Service charges for some of the services it provides. Fire charges are an important element in financing the Fire Service and they help fund the cost of providing the service.

Charges for Fire Brigade Services

Fire Service charges will be levied against the beneficial owner of the property where the incident occurs.

Fire charges may not be levied where serious injury or a fatality occurred in the fire or where the building is known to be owned and operated for a charitable purpose.

Pursuant to Section 35 (3) of the Fire Services Act 1981 and 2003 and the provisions of the Local Government (Financial Provisions)(No. 2) Act, 1983 and the Local Government Financial Provisions Act, 2000 the following Fire Service charges will be levied;

Operational Fire Charges

Chimney Fires


Attendance at fire within premises (Any premises, lands or agricultural facility etc.)

Less than 2 hours
Between 2 hours and 4 hours
In excess of 4 hours

€500 per hour or part thereof

Response to Alarm Activations


Hire of an appliance (non-emergency use). Operator provided. Minimum of four hour charge

€200 per hour

Fire Reports

Copy of existing report (not charged in respect of a call that was billed)
Fire report requiring inspection



Fire Service response into another Fire Authority Area

The actual cost of the incident plus one third

Water Tanker Hire

Less than 4 hours
More than 4 hours

The actual cost of the call plus one third

Dangerous Substances Act Licences

Processing fee

€200 plus licence fee in accordance with Dangerous Substance Act Regulations

Licence Applications

Licence Application (Including Dance, Club, Music & Singing, Gaming and Lottery, Transfer etc.) for which the Fire Authority are a Notifiable Party


Miscellaneous Costs

The Fire Service reserve the right to charge for attendance at miscellaneous incidents outside of the normal response of the Fire Service

The actual cost of the call plus one third


What should I do once I receive an invoice?

If your property is covered by insurance, you are advised to contact your insurance company as you may be covered for Fire Brigade charges on your policy.

How can I pay an invoice?

There are a number of different payment options for Kildare Fire Services charges:

Detach the remittance slip from the bottom of the invoice and post it with your payment to the Finance Section, Cash Office, Kildare County Council, Aras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare

To make a payment in person you can call to the Cash Office, 2nd Floor, Aras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare.  The Cash Office is open Monday to Friday from 09.30-16.30 hrs.

To make a payment by Laser/Debit/Credit Card, you can attend the Cash Desk/Office in person or contact them by phone at 045 980608.  Please be able to quote your Invoice Number and Customer Number when making this payment

Payment of the invoice can be facilitated in instalments. Phone 045-454800 to discuss this option further.

What if I didn’t call the Fire Brigade?

Liability for the charge is not dependant on whether the person called the Fire Service.  The charge is levied against the beneficial owner of the property.

What if I do not have insurance and I can’t afford to pay the invoice?

Kildare County Council operates a waiver system.

100% waiver will be applied in the following cases:

  • Persons living alone in receipt of Old Age Pension (contributory and non-contributory)
  • Household income (from employment/social welfare) not exceeding €240 p/w for persons living alone
  • Household income (from employment/ social welfare not exceeding €440 p/w for two or more persons in a household
  • In cases of special hardship, not falling within the above limits Kildare County Council may waive charges as deemed appropriate having regard to the special circumstances of the case.

A waiver will not be offered to persons whose premises is covered by insurance.  In cases where insurance companies will not cover the charge, written confirmation on the insurance company’s headed paper will be required.

If I need more information, who do I contact?

Further information is available from the Fire Service at 045-454800