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  • Head Office: Áras Chill Dara Devoy Park Naas Co Kildare W91 X77F

Part 8 Schemes


Station road


Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) – Part XI

Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part 8

Site Location: Station Road, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare.

Proposed Development In accordance with provisions of Part XI of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended and Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, notice is hereby given by Kildare County Council of a proposed  residential development on a site at Station Road, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare..The proposed development will comprise:

  • The construction of 30 social housing units to include:
    1. 3 bedroom two storey duplex apartments;
    2. 3 bedroom three storey house;
    3. 2 bedroom two storey houses;
    4. 2 bedroom single storey apartments;
    5. 2 bedroom 3 person single storey apartments;
    6. 2 bedroom two storey duplex apartments;
    7. 1 bedroom single storey apartments;
  • The construction of ancillary structures to include ESB substation and switchroom, secure cycle storage rooms;
  • Associated site works to include:
    1. Demolition of 2no. existing cottages and associated ancillary structures on Station Road;
    2. Erection of new boundary treatment to south, east and north boundaries;
    3. New vehicular and pedestrian entrance from Station Road;
  • Provision of 26no. vehicle parking spaces, 54 no. residents bicycle parking spaces, 16no. visitor bicycle parking spaces
  • New landscaping, internal vehicular and pedestrian shared surface route, public lighting, site drainage works, ancillary site services and development works above and below ground.