Loading Bays
Loading bays are provided for business people and deliveries of goods to a business. These bays are regulated to facilitate businesses and deliveries. A loading bay usually ceases to become an un/loading bay after the hours of 11.30 where the bays become pay parking until enforcement times outlined in each town (e.g. Newbridge pay parking ends at 17.30) however, this is not always the case with some bays in operation at all times. The laoding bay information plate will inform motorists of the operating hours of the Loading Bay.
Loading bays only facilitate “Goods” vehicles which are actively un/loading. A un/loading bay is usually marked with a sign and road marking. Please refer to sign for operating details
Loading Bay Road Marking & Sample Information Plate
A “goods” vehicle means a vehicle used exclusively for the carriage of goods or burden in the course of trade or business and taxed as a goods vehicle.
A goods vehicle can actively un/load for a maximum period of 30 minutes.