50/50 Parenting: Parenting fairly and sharing the load. Presented by Dee Holland Hannon (online talk).
Parenting in 2024 can be a balancing act to say the least. There has never been so much pressure on a generation of parents to "get it right" but the role of parents has also broadened way past homemaker and bread winner! Juggling the emotional, mental and physical load between both parents can be a real challenge. Historically the bulk of parenting can fall to one parent. Families are now striving to rebalance that parenting load more fairly between both parents to stop surviving and start thriving! This workshop will take parents through:
- What unfair parenting impacts
- Why many families, parent in an 80/20 divide.
- Our inheritance of the 80/20 divide.
- What keeps us in an unbalanced parenting dynamic.
- Actionable steps - Where and how to start the rebalance.
- Q&A
Book here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/1519587