Let’s Get Sowing and Growing– Seed Sowing Workshop with Kathleen Walsh
In these family-friendly workshops, participants will learn about the Kildare Seed Library Service which launches today.
The health and wellbeing benefits of growing your own vegetables, fruits and flowers will be explored. Step-by-step activities for sowing seeds will be shown and then participants will sow seeds from the Seed Library in containers provided to take home and GROW.
Follow on steps for the plant growing cycle such as planting out and transplanting seedlings will also be demonstrated. Resources for sowing and growing will be shared with the group.
The workshops aim to engage families in growing their own plants from seed and realising the many benefits of gardening.
While materials for sowing will be provided participants are asked to bring an empty shoe box to carry home their seed pots.
Book Get Sowing & Growing Workshop: https://kildare.spydus.ie/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/EVSESENQ?SETLVL=&RNI=18167644