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Let's Talk About Parenting: Lost in Transition - Rediscovering Your Identity in Motherhood

Becoming a mother is an incredible, life changing experience, and it is also one of the most significant psychological and physical changes a woman will ever have. No matter how prepared we are for the arrival of our little one, we often overlook the impact this transformation will have on our sense of self.

 During those early years, many women find they have almost fallen into the gap between who they once were and who they are now. Society expects women to appreciate the gains motherhood brings, without providing a space to reflect on the losses. This means that we often struggle in silence to make sake of the dramatic changes we undergo as individuals.

 Regardless of what stage of the journey you are on, if you ever find yourself saying “I don’t really know who I am anymore” then this talk is for you. My aim is to provide you with some practical tools and useful insights to reconnect with your sense of self, to rebuild your confidence and to help you get your spark back by doing more of what makes you feel alive. This is a reminder that we can fully embrace motherhood, while fully embracing ourselves too.

Book here:



Dates: 18 April 2024 - 7 - 8pm
Venue: Celbridge Library, W23 VA47

Organised by Celbridge Library
Contact Details: T 045-980994 E:

Audience: Parents and people working with children