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Let’s Talk Parenting Baby Sign Language: 4-week course

Clever Little Handies is an award-winning baby sign class for parents with babies from newborns, up to wobblers / babies of 1 years of age.We already know babies can communicate with their hands before they can talk; they can wave; they can clap; they can point. They have the dexterity in their hands to formulate signs long before they have the muscle dexterity in their mouths to form words. By providing tools to communicate from an early age they will have a vocabulary to use, even if they’re not formulating words yet. Irish Sign Language signs that pertain to the day to day with a baby are taught through nursery rhymes, songs and poems. Don’t wait to communicate!

Booking on Ticket Tailor:


Dates: 07 February 2024 to 28 February 2024 - 11.30am
Venue: Athy Library Convent Lane Athy R14DK33

Organised by Athy Library
Contact Details: T 045 980555 E:

Audience: Adult