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  • Head Office: Áras Chill Dara Devoy Park Naas Co Kildare W91 X77F

County Coroner

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who is the Coroner?

The Coroner is an independent judicial officer with responsibility under the law for the medico-legal investigation of certain deaths. A Coroner must inquire into the circumstances of sudden, unexplained, violent and unnatural deaths. This may require a post-mortem examination, sometimes followed by an inquest. The Coroner's inquiry is concerned with establishing whether or not death was due to natural or unnatural causes. If a death is due to unnatural causes then an inquest must be held by law.

What deaths are reported to the Coroner?

When a death occurs suddenly or unexpectedly or is due to some unnatural cause the death must be reported to the Coroner. The Coroner will not usually be involved where a person died from some natural illness or disease for which he/she was being treated by a doctor within one month prior to death. In such a case the doctor will issue the medical certificate of the cause of death and the death will be registered accordingly. In these cases the Coroner is not usually involved.

Who has responsibility to report a death to the Coroner?

In cases of sudden, unnatural or violent death there is a legal responsibility on the doctor, registrar of deaths, funeral undertaker, householder and every person in charge of any institution or premises in which the deceased person was residing at the time of his/her death to report such a death to the Coroner. The death may be reported to a member of the Garda Siochana not below the rank of sergeant who will notify the Coroner. However at common law, any person may notify the Coroner of the circumstances of a particular death.

Deaths which must be reported to the Coroner

1. Any death that may be murder, manslaughter or infanticide.

2. Any death that appears to be connected with a crime or suspected crime.

3. Any death, whether or not accidental, caused wholly or partly by stabbing, drowning, poisoning, hanging, electrocution, asphyxia or wholly or partly as a result of a gunshot wound.

4. Any death where the deceased person is dead on arrival at a hospital.

5. Any death which may be by suicide.

6. Any death where the body of the deceased person is unidentified.

7. Any death where no family member of the deceased person can be traced within a reasonable time of the death.

8. Any death where the body of the deceased person is found or recovered in circumstances that indicate that the death may have occurred a considerable period of time previously.

9. Any death (other than in circumstances to which paragraph 8 applies) in respect of which the date of death may not be ascertainable.

10. Any death caused wholly or partly by any of the following:

(a) an incident, whether or not accidental, resulting in any physical injury, including a cut fracture or contusion;

(b) a fall;

(c) self-neglect;

(d)  an eating disorder;

(e)  exposure or hypothermia;

(f)  burns.

11. Any death which may be by assisted suicide.

  1. Any death caused wholly or partly by any of the following:
  2. Any death caused wholly or partly by any of the following:

(a) an accident arising out of the use of a vehicle in a public place;

(b) an incident occurring on a railway;

(b) an incident arising on a train, aircraft, ship or other vessel.

(a) a notifiable disease or condition that is, under provisions in that behalf in any other enactment, required to be notified to a Minister of the Government, a Department of State or a statutory body or to an inspector or other officer of a Minister of the Government, a Department of State or a statutory body;

(b) an adverse reaction to any drug;

(c) a drugs overdose or the presence of toxic substances;

(d) in the case of an infant death, maternal drug addiction;

(e) an infection contracted as a result of previously contaminated blood product administration;

(f) a lack of care or neglect;

(g) starvation or malnutrition.

14. Any death which may be due to a prion disease.

  1. Any death caused wholly or partially by an accident at the place of work or due to industrial or occupational injury or disease.

16. Any death occurring in a hospital or other health institution -

(a) that is unexpected,

(b) within 24 hours of presentation or admission, whichever is the later, or

(c) of a person transferred from a nursing home.

17. Any maternal death or late maternal death.

18. Any death of a stillborn child, death intrapartum or infant death.

19. Any death occurring in a hospital or other health institution that is directly or indirectly related to a surgical operation or anaesthesia (including recovery from the effects of anaesthesia) or to any other medical, surgical or dental procedure, regardless of the length of time between the procedure and death.

20. Any death which may be due to any healthcare acquired infection.

21. Any death where an allegation is made or a concern has been expressed regarding the medical treatment provided to the deceased person or the management of his or her healthcare.

22. Any death which may be as a result of an unconventional medical procedure or treatment.

23. Any death occurring in -

(a) an institution for the care and treatment of persons with a physical or mental disability, or

(b) any public or private institution for the care of elderly or infirm persons with a physical or mental disability, including a nursing home.

24. Any death where the deceased person was at the time of his or her death, or immediately before his or her death, in State custody or detention.

25. Any death of a child in care.

If in doubt as to whether or not a death is properly reportable please consult with the Coroner or his staff who will advise accordingly. The fact that a death is reported to the Coroner does not mean than an autopsy will always be required.

The Coroner is available for consultation outside office hours, however (except when the matter is urgent), cases will normally be reported before 11 p.m. or after 9.30 a.m.

What happens when a death is reported?

Where a death occurs suddenly the Coroner will inquire into the circumstances and will ascertain whether or not there is a doctor who is in a position to certify the cause of death. The doctor must have seen and treated the person within a month prior to the death, the cause of death must be known and the death must be due to natural causes. If these conditions are fulfilled and there are no other matters requiring investigation the Coroner will permit the doctor to complete a medical certificate of the cause of death and the death will be registered accordingly.

Where a medical certificate of the cause of death cannot be signed the Coroner will arrange for a post-mortem examination to be carried out. If the post-mortem examination shows that death was due to natural causes and there is no need for an inquest the Coroner will issue a certificate so that the death may be registered.

The post-mortem examination (autopsy) is a procedure to establish the cause of death. All stages will be carried out in a professional manner. There is no disfigurement of the body, which may be viewed afterwards in the same manner as if no post-mortem had been performed.

Why are the Garda Siochana involved?

The Garda Siochana will assist the Coroner in arranging a formal identification of the body by a member of the family, or a relative of the deceased. The Gardai will send a report to the Coroner on the circumstances of the death. The fact that relatives may be met at the hospital by a uniformed Garda or that a Garda may call to the home to take a statement, does not mean that the death is regarded as suspicious. Members of the Gardai will in most cases be acting also as Coroner's officers.

When may funeral arrangements be made?

When a death is reported to the Coroner funeral arrangements should not be made until the body is released or the Coroner has indicated when release will occur. This is important at all times, but particularly so at bank holiday weekends. Cremation cannot take place until the appropriate Coroner's Certificate is issued and normally two working days are required for this.

When is a body released?

The body will normally be released to the family member or next-of-kin immediately after the post-mortem examination has been completed, (irrespective of whether or not an inquest is to take place) (See note 7 above).

When will the Coroner's certificate be available for the death to be registered?

It may take up to a minimum of twelve weeks (occasionally longer) before a post mortem report from the Pathologist is received at the Coroner’s office.  If specialised test results (especially toxicology) are required,  at present it may take four months or longer (even up to six months) before the results are received by the Pathologist and the Coroner. 

Queries relating to post-mortem reports should be made to the Coroner's Office and not to the hospital concerned.

If the death is due to natural causes the Coroner's Certificate will be issued to the Registrar of Births and Deaths who will proceed to register the death. The Registrar will then issue the Death Certificate.

If the death is due to unnatural causes an inquest must be held. The death will be registered when the inquest is concluded (or adjourned in some cases).

How can an Interim Certificate of the Fact of Death be obtained?

Prior to the inquest being held (or while awaiting the final post-mortem report) the Coroner's Office will provide on request a certificate of confirmation of the fact of death which may be acceptable to the Probate Office, banks, insurance companies and other institutions.

To apply for an Interim Certificate of the Fact of Death (the confirmation of the fact of death) all that is needed from you is a signed letter setting out your request for the Interim Certificate and in that letter confirming your relationship with the deceased together with your full details (address and contact telephone number) and confirming the details of the person to whom the certificate should be sent (if different).

Please also include the confirmed home address and date of birth of the deceased person. The letter should be sent by post to the Coroner at the correspondence address on the first page of this website (Role of the Coroner, County Coroner Contact Details) together with a stamped self-addressed envelope. You will then be sent the Certificate and further information on the Coroner's process. There is no fee charged for the Certificate.

How is a death registered? 

Death must be registered with the Registrar of Deaths. A relative or other eligible person must obtain a Death Notification Form from the medical practitioner who attended the deceased during the last illness. The Death Notification Form is brought to the Registrar’s Office where the death is registered and the Death Certificate issued.

Where a death occurs in hospital the death may be registered by a member of the hospital staff.

Where a death is reported to the Coroner and is the subject of a post mortem examination or inquest,the death will be registered when the Coroner issues his certificate after the post mortem or inquest.The death certificate will then be available from the Registrar’s office.

Information on registration may be obtained from:

Registrar of Deaths,
Unit 5,
Monread Office & Leisure Complex,
Co. Kildare
Tel :045 920180

Office Hours: 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Monday - Friday

Superintendent Registrar’s Office
Joyce House
8-11 Lombard Street East,
Dublin 2
Tel : 01 6711968, 01 6711974
Hours :Monday - Friday
9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
 2.15 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.

What is the role of the Coroner in relation to organ transplantation?

The permission of the Coroner is required prior to organ transplantation in reportable deaths.

What is the role of the Coroner when a body is to be removed out of Ireland?

The district Coroner must be notified in every case where a body is to be taken abroad, whether or not there has been a Coroner's inquiry, post-mortem examination or an inquest. This applies even if the death was due to natural causes and has been certified by a doctor (i.e. not originally a Coroner's case). It is the Coroner in whose district the body is lying who must be notified. If satisfied in relation to the cause of death the Coroner will issue a certificate, usually to the funeral director, for presentation to the appropriate authorities permitting removal of the body from the jurisdiction.

When a body is returned to Ireland following death abroad, the Coroner will not normally be involved, except where a question in relation to an unnatural death abroad occurs.

Organ Retention

Occasionally it is necessary to retain an organ (or organs) for detailed examination. An organ may be retained after a Coroner's autopsy only for the purposes of establishing or clarifying the cause of death. Where further examination of an organ is necessary to determine the cause of death it must be retained. The consent of the spouse or next-of-kin is not required for such retention, this process would be generally undertaken in co-operation with nursing administration at Naas General Hospital or in accordance with local practice at any other hospital where the post-mortem is being carried out. Retention for any other purpose by a hospital or pathologist (e.g. for teaching, research or therapeutic purposes) requires specific consent from the spouse of next-of-kin. A consent form must be signed by the family in such cases.