Saturday, 25 March 2023
Emma Kilcullen’s My World Exhibition
Emma Kilcullen: Daughter, Sister, Social Butterfly, Dreamer and Artist, welcomes you to her “My World” Exhibition, where the light reflects the magic of all that surrounds. Her First Exhibition shares Photographs and Mixed Media Art pieces all uniquely personal and reflective of her artistic eye.
Maynooth Community Library, Main Street, Maynooth
Storytelling and Kamishibai with Fiona Dowling (Maynooth)
In this hands-on workshop, participants will get to design their own Kamishibai slide. Kamishibai is the Japanese art of paper theatre, a way of telling stories using hand-drawn illustrations and the storyteller’s voice.
Maynooth Community Library, Main Street, Maynooth
Growing Vegetables in the Irish Garden with Master Organic Gardener, Klaus Laitenberger.
Growing Vegetables in the Irish Garden with Master Organic Gardener, Klaus Laitenberger. A special event to celebrate the launch of the Kildare Seed Library.
Kildare Town Library
Romanian Reading and Games club
Reading and games club for children from the Romanian community.
Kilcock Library, W23 AD66
On Saturday the 25th of March we welcome you to join us for a surprise screening of a family friendly film rated PG on the BIG screen in Leixlip Library.
Leixlip Library Captain's Hill Leixlip W23 WR96
Grow, Grow, Grow. Storytelling and Animation workshop
Storytelling and Animation workshop
Kilcock Library, W23 AD66
Annals of Athy – Presentation to Creative Writing Competition
The winners from this schools Creative Writing Competition will have the opportunity to read from their work, along with presentations from Author and Poet, John Mackenna All are welcome!
Athy Library Convent Lane R14DK33