Thursday, 30 May 2024
Baby and Toddler Stay & Play Group
If you have a young baby or toddler and would like to meet other parents in the area, come to our stay and play group every Thursday morning at 10am. Bring a coffee and chat to other parents while your babies play with the toys and books provided. No need to book, just drop in!
Maynooth Community Library
Celbridge Library, W23 VA47
Exhibition in Acrylic by Christina Kearney Week 3
Exhibition in Acrylic by Christina Kearney 14th May - 31st May Christina Kearney is a Celbridge based artist who paints mainly in Acrylic and Watercolour. She is a member of The Abbey Art Group in Celbridge and has recently set up The Leixlip Art Group. This exhibition is Christina's first solo exhibition.
Maynooth Community Library, Main Street, Maynooth
Learn how to knit or crochet with masters of the craft
Leixlip Library Captain's Hill Leixlip W23 WR96
MU English in the Community: Spaces and Places in recent Irish Fiction with Dr. Michael Cronin
This talk will encourage readers to think about the significance of place in recent Irish fiction. How do Irish novelists write about the landscape in their fiction? Is there a distinctive 'spatial imaginary' in contemporary Irish writing? And how does the depiction of spaces and places in a novel encourage us as readers to reflect on our relationship with our physical and social environment, and with each other?
Maynooth Community Library, Main Street, Maynooth
Every month will discuss a thought-provoking book
Kilcock Library, W23 AD66
Let's Talk About Parenting: Starting ‘Big School’
Starting ‘Big School.’ Presented by Dr Mary O’Kane.
Online (via MS Teams)