Let’s Explore Music Workshop in Irish and English (for ages 5-10)
'Let’s Explore' workshops immerse children into the world of music. This workshop includes musical games, listening activities, rhythm, percussion instruments, action songs, composition and song singing.
Children under 8 must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
Is ceardlanna bíomar é 'Let’s Explore' atá oiriúnach le haghaidh paistí bunscoile. Le linn an ceardlann cludaíotar imeachaí éagsúla cósuil le rithim, amhránaíocht, cluichí ceoil, cnaguirlisí agus a leitheid!
Is gá le tuismitheoir / caomhnóir a bheith in éineacht le páistí faoi bhun 8 mbliana d’aois.
Tickets / ticéidí: