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Local Authority Climate Action Plan – Public Consultation

Kildare County Council has launched a public consultation on the development of a new Climate Action Plan 2024 – 2029. The ambition of this plan is to create a low carbon and climate resilient County, by delivering and promoting best practice in climate action in Kildare. Kildare County Council is seeking engagement from the citizens and businesses in Kildare on the content of the plan, to help secure a sustainable future for the citizens of Kildare.


The plan establishes the actions (mitigation and adaptation measures) to be delivered by Kildare County Council, businesses, and citizens in the County in response to the climate challenge.  It sets out how Kildare County Council is responsible for enhancing climate resilience, increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, across its own assets, services and infrastructure.    Demonstrating a broader leadership role of influencing, advocating and facilitating other sectors, to meet their climate targets and ambitions and to increase climate literacy, while supporting the Government’s National Climate objective, which seeks to achieve the transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy by 2050 is also central to the role of Kildare County Council in this plan. The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 has a legally binding climate ambition to deliver a 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.


A public Consultation Drop-In Clinic will take place in Athy Library on Wednesday 18th of October and members of the public are encouraged to come along:


No booking required, everyone welcome. 


Dates: 18 October 2023 - 2pm
Venue: Athy Library Convent Lane Athy R14DK33

Organised by Athy Library
Contact Details: T 045 980555 E:

Audience: All are welcome