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Archives | Cartlann Chill Dara

Kildare County Council Minute Books

Identity Statement

Repository Code: IE 2036
Archive Reference: KCA/KCC/M
Title: Kildare County Council Minute Books
Creation Dates: 1899-2000
Extent Medium: 48 volumes

Copies Information: Sixteen volumes of minutes have been digitised to date and can be accessed via the links below. These contain some volumes of handwritten minutes, as well as rough minutes; the majority consist of printed minutes pasted onto pages and then bound in a volume. Some of the minutes were printed in a volume as a single year. Please note that many of the bound volumes contain one or more years of minutes, and therefore there is some overlapping of months and years. There are also some gaps in the minutes where volumes have not survived. The digitisation of minute books from the 1899-1939 period was undertaken as part of Kildare Council’s Decade of Commemorations programme. It was supported by the Co. Kildare Decade of Commemorations Committee and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative. 

KCA/KC/M/1-10 02 April 1899 - 08 October 1919 (10 volumes)

KCA/KCC/M/11-16 08 October 1919 - 20 October 1939 (6 volumes)