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  • 045 980200
  • Head Office: Áras Chill Dara Devoy Park Naas Co Kildare W91 X77F


Kildare County Council, being the Planning Authority for the area, has prepared a Draft Local Area Plan (LAP) for Naas. The Draft Naas Local Area Plan 2019 - 2023 is on public display from Thursday 18th April 2019 - Thursday 30th May 2019 inclusive.

The Plan and associated documents can be viewed below, at Naas Library and Kildare County Council Planning Office at Áras Chill Dara Naas during opening hours.

Submissions can be made before Thursday 30th May 2019 at 5 p.m. online below or in writing to;
Draft Naas Local Area Plan 2019–2023, C/O Senior Executive Officer, Planning Department, Kildare County Council, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare.

Information Day

Members of the public and other interested groups are invited to attend a drop in public information sessions on the content of the draft plan as Naas Town hall, Main Street, Naas on Tuesday 30th April 2019 from 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.