Kildare County Council Announces Public Consultation Event for Corbally Canal and Liffey Corridor Enhancement Feasibility Study
19 March 2025: Kildare County Council is undertaking a Feasibility Study to explore the potential for the provision of a recreational trail between Naas, Newbridge and Kilcullen via the Corbally Canal and the River Liffey. A public consultation event will be held at Naas Library & Cultural Centre, North Main Street, Naas, Co. Kildare on Wednesday April 2nd from 4pm to7pm. This event offers an opportunity to understand the project scope, baseline findings and explore the options being considered for the Corbally Canal and River Liffey Enhancement Project. Attendees will have the chance to view the exhibition and provide feedback on the options being proposed for consideration.
Kildare County Council and its partners aim to improve access and recreational opportunities for all those living in close proximity to the Corbally Canal and River Liffey. This project will also benefit tourism and water sports in County Kildare.
The Corbally Canal, located between the Newbridge Road, Naas and the Corbally Harbour extends approximately 8km. The River Liffey located between Newbridge, Athgarvan and Kilcullen extends approximately10km between Newbridge Bridge and Kilcullen Bridge. Kildare County Council’s aims to develop and connect these areas via new recreational trails, where feasible.
The Corbally Harbour, and the Corbally Basin with its rich cultural heritage, has the potential to be developed as a key focal point and recreation water-based sports hub. Enhancing biodiversity will be a key consideration in developing proposals for the entire project.
Project Partners
The feasibility study is being prepared by JBA Consulting Ltd. and the project is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development’s Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) to provide for project development with the objective of providing and enhancing outdoor recreational infrastructure. Waterways Ireland are a key project partner for the proposed enhancement of the Corbally Canal corridor.
Tell us what you think
Public feedback is crucial for this project. Kildare County Council is seeking the views of the public and key stakeholders on the proposed options and potential routes available that could provide safe and accessible trails, including the future connection of the two corridors and surrounding settlements. We also want to understand your recreational interests and what is important to you, ensuring future options and connections fit sensitively into this amazing landscape and the role it plays. This is your chance to have your say!
Next steps
Kildare County Council looks forward to receiving your feedback to help identify the preferred options for this very important recreational project. The preferred options will inform the next steps in the preparation of the feasibility study and the development of future recreational projects in your area.
Further information:
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