Homeless Services
Homeless Service Contact
If you wish to contact Kildare County Council Homeless Service
- Phone: 045-980230. Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm
- email: customerservice@kildarecoco.ie
- Out of hours service: 1800 804 307 Monday-Friday 5pm - 9pm, Saturday & Sunday 12pm -5pm
Kildare County Council Homeless Service
If you are (a) homeless, (b) at risk of homelessness, (c) rough sleeping, and your last permanent address was in Co Kildare and you have a valid Social Housing Application you can contact the homeless team at 045 980200 or email customerservice@kildarecoco.ie. A member of our team will carry out an assessment, if you are deemed homeless, temporary accommodation will be organised.
The following information will be required to carry out the assessment.
- Photo ID for all adults and children (if available)
- Proof or PPSN for adults and children
- Verification of homeless correspondence – NTQ
- Bank statements
- Proof of income
- Proof of accommodation history to establish a jurisdiction for a person’s homelessness according to the Housing Act 1988 (sec 10)
Who does Kildare County Council understand to be eligible for emergency accommodation?
- If are you eligible for Social Housing with Kildare County Council.
- If you have nowhere to stay on the day you contact Kildare County Council
- If you have no right to remain in the place where you have been staying
- If you are at risk of harm if you remain where you have staying
- If you cannot pay for any accommodation for yourself.
When a person declares themselves homeless, Kildare County Council will conduct an assessment to determine if they are eligible for homeless service provision under section 2 of the Housing Act 1988.
Homeless HAP Place Finder Service
To qualify for Homeless HAP the following conditions apply
- If you are currently in Emergency Accommodation or have a valid Notice to Quit from your Landlord
- Have a valid up to date Social Housing Application with Kildare County Council.
- Are homeless or at risk of homelessness and have no other accommodation choices
- Are in need of extra support to get a suitable rental home
The Homeless HAP team will provide
- When you secure Private Rented Accommodation we can assist you with a Deposit and one months rent in advance in order to secure a tenancy.
- You must comply with the Homeless HAP conditions in order to receive this payment
- The Homeless HAP Place Finder can be contacted on 045-980627/ 045-980230
Please click here for further information
Are you in dispute with your landlord
Private Residential Tenancies Board – PRTB http://www.prtb.ie
If you are renting privately and are in dispute with your landlord the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB) offer a landlord tenant dispute resolution service. The tenancy does not need to be registered to access this service. The mediation process is supportive and non-confrontational. A mediator assists the parties to explore each other’s respective positions and reach a resolution of the dispute to which both are agreed.
Contact the Private Residential Tenancies Board, on 01 635 0600 Monday to Friday: 9.30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Threshold http://www.threshold.ie
Renting and worried about losing your home?
The Freephone 1800 454 454 is provided by Threshold on behalf of Kildare County Council
Monday – Friday 9am – 9pm
It will work with other key services to make sure that assistance is available to you and your family if you are at risk of losing your home in the private rented sector.
MABS http://www.mabs.ie
Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) is a free, confidential, independent and non-judgmental service for people in debt, or in danger of getting into debt, in Ireland
To contact MABS their helpline is 0818 07 2000 WhatsApp 086 035 3141
Monday - Friday 9am - 8pm
Email helpline@mabs.ie or http://www.mabs.ie