Homeless HAP Place Finder Service
What is Homeless HAP?
The Homeless Housing Assistance Payment (HHAP) provides financial support to individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
HHAP bridges the gap between what tenants can afford to pay in rent and the actual cost of renting a property.
It gives more supports to tenants than the regular HAP scheme. These extra supports include;
- Deposits and upfront rent payments to help homeless households find a suitable HAP tenancy.
The Homeless HAP scheme is also known as the Place Finder Service. What does the Place Finder Service offer?
- Help to find a suitable property to rent
- Payment of the deposit for a property to the landlord or agent
- Payment of rent in advance to the landlord or agent
- Payment of enhanced HAP rent limits (depending on circumstances).
- Applicants are individually contacted and advised regarding the additional supports available, including arrangements for property viewings.
Do I qualify ?
To qualify for Homeless HAP, the Council must decide that you ;
- Are homeless or at risk of homelessness and have no other accommodation choices
- Are in need of extra support to get a suitable rental home and
- Have a valid up to date Social Housing application with Kildare County Council
If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, you may be considered for the above extra supports.
For further information ,the Homeless HAP Team can be contacted by:
Telephone: 045 980230/980627, Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm.
Email: customerservice@kildarecoco.ie