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Noise Action Plan for Kildare 2024 - 2028

Action plan to assess and manage environmental noise from transport systems

The Environmental Noise Directive (END) requires local authorities to draw-up plans of action which will include measures to 'address priorities which may be identified by the exceeding of any relevant limit value or by other criteria chosen by the Member State and apply in particular to the most important areas as established by strategic noise mapping'.

In-line with the strategic noise maps, this noise action plan is required to be reviewed and revised every 5 years, if required. Both these initiatives are aimed at developing strategic policy and managing environmental noise. It should be noted that environmental noise as covered by the requirements of the END relates to human activities in-particular road, rail and aircraft transport and industry activities. 

The noise action plan used the Strategic Noise Maps to identify priority areas and measures to help mitigate and manage noise from the relevant human activities contributing to the noise levels at those locations. The Plan does not, however, cover noise in relation to health and safety in the workplace, noise inside any means of transport, noise caused by military activities in military areas or noise from natural environmental sources, i.e. wind, waves, wildlife.

The Round 4 strategic noise maps were published in March 2023.  The noise action plan phase for Round 4 commenced in April 2023.  A draft Kildare Noise Action Plan was prepared and put out to stakeholder and public consultation in November and December 2024.  The Noise Action Plan was screened for both Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA).  The screenings concluded that both an SEA and a Stage 2 AA were not required.  Determinations for both have been prepared.

The Kildare Noise Action Plan 2024-2028 has been completed, in line with the European Communities (Environmental Noise) Regulations 2018 (As Amended), and a copy can be viewed using the link below. Copies of the SEA and AA Screening Reports together with the Determinations for each are also provided in separate links.