Ministers O'Brien and Canney have launched the 'Slower Speeds, Safer Roads' campaign supporting road safety.
On Friday 7 February, the speed limit on all rural local roads will change from 80 kilometres per hour to 60 kilometres per hour. Kildare County Council welcomes this National Initiative and have made the necessary changes to speed limit signs around the county.
To read the full press release from the Department of Transport please click here.
Kildare County Council in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act, 2004 (No.44 of 2004), as amended, adopted Road Traffic (Special Speed Limit) Bye Laws at the Council Meeting held on the 29th January 2018.
The purpose of the Bye Law is to introduce Special Speed Limits of 30 KPH on designated sections of roads in selected Housing Estates throughout the County of Kildare, in the interests of prudent traffic management and road safety. The Bye-Laws will come into effect from the 12th of March 2018
The Adopted Bye-Laws together with the accompanying maps be be viewed below :