Where can I check what public Council meetings are happening?
You can view the meetings calendar on our website here
The meetings calendar is updated in line with any changes to times, date or venues.
Can members of the Public attend Council Meetings?
Members of the public can attend both Full Council meetings, and meetings of the Municipal District.
If you wish to request to attend you should email meetings@kildarecoco.ie
When does full councill meetings of Kildare County Council take Place?
Full council meetings takes place on the last Monday of each month at 3.00pm.
If this date falls on a public holiday, the meeting takes place on the previous Monday.
There is no meeting in the month of August.
You can view the Calendar of meetings here
When do Municipal District meetings take place?When do Municipal District meetings take place?
The Municipal District Committees meet once a month.
There is no meeting in the month of August.
You can view the Calendar of meetings here
Where can I found Municipal District details
Where can I view agendas and minutes of Meetings of Kildare County Council.
Full Council Agenda's can be viewed here
Full Council Minutes can be viewed here
Agenda's and minutes of the Athy MD can be viewed here
Agenda's and minutes of the Celbridge - Leixlip MD can be viewed here
Agenda's and minutes of the Clane - Maynooth MD can be viewed here
Agenda's and minutes of the Kildare - Newbridge MD can be viewed here
Agenda's and minutes of the Naas MD can be viewed here
What are Strategic Policy Committees?
Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are local authority committees in city and county councils whose membership includes elected councillors, representatives of business, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions and community and voluntary members. It is the task of SPCs, as committees of the council, to advise and assist the council in the formulation, development and review of policy. Their remit does not extend to routine operational matters regarding the delivery of services. The SPC system is intended to give councillors and relevant sectoral interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy making process from the early stages.
Full Details of SPCs can be found here
How are SPC members appointed?
In accordance with the provisions of the legislation and guidelines from The Department of housing, Planning and Local Government, the membership of the SPCs will consist of two thirds Councillors and one third sectoral representatives. The following shall apply in relation to the membership of the SPCs: You can view Kildare County Councils Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2024-2029.
Vacancies in the membership of the SPCs are a matter for approval by the councillors.
Full details on SPC's can be viewed here
What is contained in the Public Registers?
Members salaries, payments i.e. conferences and their monthly expenses. A list of conferences attended during the year and who attended each conference. Details of meetings attended during the year. You can view public register information here
What is the Code of Conduct for Councillors?
The Code of Conduct for Councillors can be view here